Father & Son - a great moment and a lovely photo to have
Claire and Mark with our Dad
Together in Brazil in 2017
Together in Paris in 2014
At Ilha Do Mel in Brazil in 2017
Family photo, with Claire, during our Dad's last stay with us in 2014
Enjoying a beer together in 2017
Dancing in Wimbledon
More dancing in Wimbledon
With Dad in Brazil 2016
80th birthday celebration
Brazil road trip 1
Brazil trip 2
Dad @ 80
Road trip Brazil
Dad in Brazil
Road trip Brazil
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A great teacher one of the best! Agreed to do be the DJ in 1975 at my 14th birthday party when he was teaching at Trinity! A good sport and lovely bloke! Will never forget him.AF17FCC7 29FD 4155 AA19 3CFE2DC26D66