Brooke House in the 1960s

Created by Roger 3 years ago

It was so sad to read of Len's passing.  I had the immense privilege of working with him for a number of years at Brooke House, a boy's secondary school in Hackney.  Len taught just down the corridor from me and I remember him as one of the most gifted and inspiring teachers I have ever known.  His classes were invariably engaged, inspired, and devoted to Len, no mean feat in the Hackney of those days.  We also ran together to keep fit, over Hackney marshes and he beat me on every occasion.  His fitness stood him in good stead for Saturday afternoons.  We played football together, invariably on Hackney marshes, for a team called Sons Athletic.  They had originally been formed at the beginning of the last century and named 'Sons of Temperance'.  This title did not suit our lifestyles so we renamed as 'Sons Athletic', a total misnomer for most of us.  Not Len, perhaps the most hardworking centre forward of all time!

We also shared some good times taking the Hackney boys to Marchants Hill camp for the first two weeks of the summer holidays.  Again, we ran together a lot with Len invariably in front with Frank Kellam.  On one memorable occasion, me bringing up the rear as usual, we were all halted in a deep gully by a rather belligerent adder who strongly objected to our presence.

I touch with Len as our career diverged.  In recent years I have undertaken the Ignatian 'Exercises' to strengthen both my faith and mental health.  I have never forgotten Len and his Jesuit training which bore wonderful fruit in his disciplined live, genuine love for his students, and his commitment to do the very best for them.

Over a long lifetime, Len has been one of those people who impacted upon me in a very positive way and the world is a poorer place now he has gone.

Dr Roger Street