Paula 8th August 2020

Joyce (Len's older sister) sends these thoughts: Len and I were close as brother and sister, sometimes things were difficult as we grew up but I always knew Len shared those difficult times with me. Due to our mother's death, we were separated I don't remember meeting Len until he was about 4. We were both Spurs supporters and I remember Len boxing as a teenager. I was a bit nervous! As we grew older we shared interests and a love of poetry, music and art. in our 40s we went away together doing a lot of walking,laughing and chatting together! We enjoyed a love of nature and in depth conversation often about matters of faith. When Len was still in England we met up in London and visited art galleries together. I was sad when Len moved abroad, as I could not see him and it was not easy to keep up contact. When Len took some of my simple water colour paintings to Brazil and displayed them in thier home I was touched. He always used to say it was as if a part of me was with him there in Brazil. Joyce x